I was excited when Alyssa, the Creative Director from Exquisite Weddings Magazine approached me to photograph their bridal gown editorial for their upcoming issue. It was by far the biggest project for a publication that I was hired to photograph to date.

Alyssa and I envisioned a fresh and unique vibe for the editorial and decided to take the shoot in a more raw and urban direction in the old vacant Wonder Bread factory in downtown San Diego. The iconic building was built in 1924 and is rich in texture and was a perfect complement to the season’s hottest trends. We showcased the amazing bridal gowns among the vast empty rooms and it’s stunning architectural features. We were one of the last groups in the space before they began construction turning the old factory into a brewery.

Exquisite Weddings Magazine Spring/Summer 2010 issues.

Exquisite Weddings Editorial | Some Kind of Wonderful

Exquisite Weddings Editorial | Some Kind of Wonderful

  1. Trendy Bride says:

    These photos are fantastic. Nice Job!

  2. Keats Elliot says:

    Congrats Marisa! These are really gorgeous shots (love your lighting) and I am drooling over the dresses 🙂

  3. Jared Rey says:

    These are so good. Congrats. You got some great shoots in here.


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